Time Series Analysis

The analysis of time series data is an integer part of any data scientist's job, more so in the quantitive trading world. Financial data is the most perplexing of time series data and often seems erratic.However, over this article, I will explore some well established theories using for analysing such time series data.

What is Time series ?

Examples of time series data include:

  • Daily IBM stock prices
  • Monthly rainfall
  • Quarterly sales results for Amazon
  • Annul Google profits

Anything that is observed sequentially over time is a time series. A time series may contain information about general tendency in data, seasonal effects, occasional events, and so on.

Time series decomposition:

  • Trend - The general (long-term, non-periodic)tendency of time series.These trends will either be deterministic or stochastic.
  • Seasonal - A seasonal pattern occurs when a time series is affected by seasonal factors such as the time of the year or the day of the week. This is particularly happening in series representing business sales or climate levels.
  • Cyclic - A cycle occurs when the data exhibit rises and falls that are not of a fixed frequency. These fluctuations are usually due to economic conditions, and are often related to the “business cycle”.

Many people confuse about cyclic behaviour and seasonal behaviour, but they are quite different. If the fluctuations are not of a fixed frequency then they are cyclic; if the frequency is unchanging and associated with some aspect of calendar, then the pattern is seasonal.


The first model we are going to discuss is the ARIMA model. It stands for Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average model. Yes it's a lot to take in. However, it essentially combines two models, the Auto Regressive model and the Moving Average model, both of which we will elaborate on below. Before that, we need to establish the concept of stationarity, as it is crucial to being able to model and forecast time series correctly.


    The concept of stationarity comes from stochastic processes, and sometimes the result of these stochastic process is white noise.The following is a broad definition of stationarity:

    A stationary time series is a time series whose statistical properties such as mean and standard deviation does not depend on time.

    For those with experience with statistics and stochastic, the following will be more formal definition.

    Let {$X_{t}$} be a stochastic process and

    $$ F_{X}\left(x_{t_{1}+\tau}, x_{t_{2}+\tau}, \ldots, x_{t_{k}+\tau}\right) $$

    is the is the cumulative distribution function of the unconditional joint distribution of {$X_{t}$}. Then, {$X_{t}$} is strictly stationary, if and only if,

    $$ F_{X}\left(x_{t_{1}+\tau}, x_{t_{2}+\tau}, \ldots, x_{t_{k}+\tau}\right)=F_{X}\left(x_{t_{1}}, x_{t_{2}}, \ldots, x_{t_{k}}\right) $$

    However, in most applications, we don't manually check for stationarity using stochastic.We use tests for such as Dicky-Fuller and Augmented Dicky-Fuller test.

    There is also a weaker notion of stationarity that is in most cases sufficient to be satisfied. This weak stationarity is defined as the expected value and covariance of the time series does not change over time.

Autoregressive Model: AR

An autoregressive model predicts the response $X_{t}$ using a linear combination of past values of variable. Parameterised by p,(the number of past values to include).

This is the same as doing linear regression with lagged features.For example, this is how you would set up a dataset to fit an autoregressive model with p = 2 :

Moving Average Model: MA

A moving average model predicts the response $X_{t}$ using a linear combination of past forecast errors.

where 𝜖𝑖 is normally distributed white noise (mean zero, variance one). Parameterised by 𝒒, the number of past errors to include. The predictions $X_{t}$ can be the weighted moving average of past forecast errors.

The MA model looks very similar to the AR model. However, there are a few key differences that one should take note:

  1. The errors terms in the MA model affect the current value of the time series directly, whereas in the AR model the error term from previous time steps are only present implicitly.
  2. The error terms in the MA model only affect the time series for q steps in the future but in the AR model the error terms affect the time series for an infinite time in the future.

This key differences gives us a natural extension of the model by combining them.The difference between the ARMA model and the ARIMA model is the integration. In the context of time series, integration refers to the degree of difference required to make the time series a stationary time series. So if we apply the two model above together to get the following ARIMA model:

Note that now we are regressing on $ X^{\prime} t $, which is the differenced series $ X_{t}$. The ordered of difference is determined by the parameter d. For example, if d = 1:

So the ARIMA model is parameterized by: p (order of the AR part), q (order of the MA part), and d (degree of differencing).

Implementing in Python

This notebook is prepared to be a container of many broad topics in the field of time series analysis.